Pigot Diamond Auction of 1802 – Mr. Christie’s

Documentation for the Pigot Diamond Auction that took place May 10, 1802 at Mr. Christie’s. This documentation seems to have originated first in London around 1812 and the made its way to France given the French translation of the Drawing #2. Drawing #2 is by John Francillon of 24 Norfolk Steet, Strand, London on September 19, 1812 who traced around the diamond “by leave” of Daniel Eliason [diamond merchant in London]

Pigot Diamond Auction - Christie's London  Announcement May 10, 1802

Pigot Diamond Auction – Christie’s London Announcement May 10, 1802
This documentation seems to have been tucked into the pages of book titled Traité des pierres précieuses et de la maniere de les employer en parure which may have been owned by George F. Kunz in 1885

Christie's London Conditions of Sale of the Pigot Diamond circa May 10, 1802

Christie’s London Conditions of Sale of the Pigot Diamond circa May 10, 1802
This documentation seems to have been tucked into the pages of book titled Traité des pierres précieuses et de la maniere de les employer en parure which may have been owned by George F. Kunz in 1885

Pigot Diamond Drawing #1 - Christie's London Auction circa May 10, 1802

Pigot Diamond Drawing #1 – Christie’s London Auction circa May 10, 1802 This documentation seems to have been tucked into the pages of book titled Traité des pierres précieuses et de la maniere de les employer en parure which may have been owned by George F. Kunz in 1885

Pigot Diamond Auction Results - Christie's London circa May 10, 1802

Pigot Diamond Auction Results – Christie’s London circa May 10, 1802
This documentation seems to have been tucked into the pages of book titled Traité des pierres précieuses et de la maniere de les employer en parure which may have been owned by George F. Kunz in 1885

Pigot Diamond Drawing #2 by John Francillon - Christie's London Auction circa May 10, 1802

Pigot Diamond Drawing #2 – Christie’s London Auction circa May 10, 1802
This documentation seems to have been tucked into the pages of book titled Traité des pierres précieuses et de la maniere de les employer en parure which may have been owned by George F. Kunz in 1885

Pigot Diamond Drawing by John Francillon Sep 19, 1812 London

Pigot Diamond Drawing by John Francillon Sep 19, 1812 London

Pigot Diamond Drawing #2 French Translation - Christie's London Auction circa May 10, 1802

Pigot Diamond Drawing #2 French Translation – Christie’s London Auction circa May 10, 1802
This documentation seems to have been tucked into the pages of book titled Traité des pierres précieuses et de la maniere de les employer en parure which may have been owned by George F. Kunz in 1885