Rene Binet – Plate Translations – Industrial and Architectural Designs

The table of plates included in the first volume of Binet’s work from delsc is included below with the English translation for each plate.

1 Abri Shelter 31 Heurtoir Knocker
2 Agrafe Clip 32 Incrustations De Plomb Lead Inlay
3 Anneau Ring 33 Jardin Garden
4 Armoire Wardrobe 34 Lanterne Électrique Electric Lantern
5 Balcon Balcony 35 Lustre, Vitrine, Et Applique Chandelier, Showcase, And Wall-Lamp
6 Banc Bench 36 Lustre Électrique Electric Chandelier
7 Bijou Jewelry 37 Magasins Stores
8 Bordure Encadrement Frame Trim 38 Marqueterie Marquetry
9 Bouton Électrique Electric Button 39 Métal Repoussé Embossed Metal
10 Brique Ornée Decorative Brick 40 Mosaïque Mosaic
11 Carrelage Tiling 41 Papier Peint Wallpaper
12 Céramique Ceramic 42 Pied De Mât Mast Base
13 Chapiteau Capital 43 Pentures Hinges
14 Clef Key 44 Plafond Ceiling
15 Clôture: Bois Wood Gate 45 Plaque De Porte Door Plate
16 Clôture: Grille Grilled Gate 46 Pochoir Stencil
17 Clou Nail 47 Porche Porch
18 Corbeau Corbel 48 Porte Door
19 Couronnement De Tours Tower Crown 49 Revêtement Covering
20 Décor Champêtre Country Decor 50 Rinceau Rinceau
21 Enseigne Sign 51 Rosace Rosette
22 Epi Finial 52 Sgraffito Sgraffito
23 Escalier Stairway 53 Siège Seat
24 Etoffe Imprimée Printed Fabric 54 Socle Pedestal
25 Faîtage Crète Ridgepole Decor 55 Tapis Carpet
26 Fer Forgé Wrought Iron 56 Tapisserie Au Point Compté Needlepoint Tapestry
27 Ferronnerie Ironworks 57 Treillis Trellis
28 Fontaine Fountain 58 Tympan Tympanum
29 Frise Frieze 59 Vitrail Stained Glass
30 Girouette Weather Vane 60 Voussure Et Arc Arch And Arc
Rene Binet Architectural and Industrial Designs

Rene Binet Architectural and Industrial Designs
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Rene Binet Architectural and Industrial Designs

Rene Binet Architectural and Industrial Designs

Rene Binet Architectural and Industrial Designs

Rene Binet Architectural and Industrial Designs