Streets of London – Soho Square, London 1812

Soho Square, London 1812

Soho Square, London 1812
from The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics

“Soho-Square, though not equal for extent and beauty of the area to many of the squares which adorn the west end of the British capital, may, however, vie with most in regard to the regularity of the buildings by which it is surrounded. [..] Soho-Square will be further interesting to the scholar and the philosopher, as the residence of Sir Joseph Banks, a gentlemen not less fitted for the high station which he holds in the learned world, by his attainments and the liberality of his mind, than by his particular and unremitted attention to the interest and advancement of natural knowledge, and by his generous patronage of the arts.” The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics, 1812.

London Squares - Map circa 1848

London Squares – Map circa 1848
from Map of London from Samuel Lewis’ Atlas to the topographical dictionaries of England and Wales