Streets of London – Southwark Bridge circa 1812

Southwark Bridge, London circa 1812

Southwark Bridge, London circa 1812
from The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics

“The situation of this bridge is about midway between those of London and Blackfriars, stretching over that part of the river which the most fortunate occurring circumstances seem to have destined for the purpose, the stream at that spot being one third narrower than at Blackfriars — an evident advantage as to the expense of the bridge. The buildings to be taken down on the Surry side, in order to make room for a suitable street, are ruinous, and therefore easy of purchase; while on the London shore, Queen-street, leading to the very heart of the city, already forms an open and direct line of communication.” The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics, 1812.