Wall Designs Inspired by Window Frost by Christopher Dresser 1876

I cannot too strongly urge upon the ornamentist the necessity for ever seeking new ideas, and for training the mind to see new forms, or combinations of shapes, in everything that the eye can rest upon. Sometimes mere straws in the street may suggest good ornaments, and a bent reed reflected in a lake may furnish a fresh thought for a decorative composition. Even things with which we are familiar may at a particular time present themselves in a new aspect, and thus furnish an idea which may be of value: thus about eighteen years since I made sketches of the frost which we commonly see on the windows of our rooms in winter; but it was eight years later that I perceived in these sketches a new style of ornament, — hence we have Plates XIX. and XXXIV. – Christopher Dresser, Ph.D.

Wall Pattern - Window Frost Design from Studies in Design by Christopher Dresser circa 1876

Wall Pattern – Inspired by Window Frost
from Studies in Design by Christopher Dresser circa 1876
Plate XIX

Frieze for a Room About 14 Feet High - Inspired by Window Frost from Studies in Design by Dr. Christopher Dresser circa 1876

Frieze for a Room About 14 Feet High – Inspired by Window Frost
from Studies in Design by Dr. Christopher Dresser circa 1876