Edouard Travies Biography

Edouard Travies Animal Prints Composite

Edouard Travies Animal Prints Composite

BORN: 1809, Doullens
DIED: Nov 10, 1876, Paris
BROTHER: Charles-Joseph (C.J.) Traviès de Villers (b. 1804, Wulfflingen, Switzerland d. August 13, 1859, Paris)

Édouard Traviès de Villers was born in Doullens in 1809 and was also the brother of the famous caricaturist, Charles-Joseph (C.J.) Traviès de Villers, who created the character Mayeux. Édouard, by contrast, excelled at illustrating nature and, in particular, birds.

His images were so popular that businesses started to see the value of incorporating similar images into decorative objects. Ledot, the publisher, filed suit and the damages, according to the Gazette des beaux-arts, were found by the court to amount to 4,000 French francs. It is interesting to note that part of the defense’s argument was that the artist was simply imitating nature and nature is part of the public domain but the court recognized the artist and sided with Ledot.

Les graveurs du 19e siècle [http://archive.org/stream/lesgraveursdu19e12berauoft/lesgraveursdu19e12berauoft_djvu.txt]
Histoire naturelle des oiseaux-mouches, published 1877 [http://archive.org/stream/histoirenaturel04muls/histoirenaturel04muls_djvu.txt]
La chronique (politique) des arts et de la curiosite. Suppl. a la Gazette des beaux-arts, published 1865 [http://books.google.ca/books?id=fjIFAAAAQAAJ]