Streets of London – London Commercial Sale Rooms, Mark Lane circa 1813

London Commercial Sale Rooms, Mark Lane, 1813

London Commercial Sale Rooms, Mark Lane, 1813
from The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics

“On the 1st of June, 1811, the first stone was laid. […] The ground-floor is occupied by a large coffee-room, 59 feet 10 inches by 31 feet six inches. The ascent to the public sale-rooms, is from the center of the north end of the coffee-room […]. The floor up one pair stairs is divided into two large rooms for auctions […]; and on the upper floor are three commodious rooms for the same purpose. The basement contains an eating-room, as well as the kitchen […]. The extensive building in the rear is principally appropriated for counting-houses and private shew-rooms for samples of merchandize; but the upper floor [… is] devoted to the exhibition of goods intended for public sale, and affording ample accommodation to the raw sugar market in particular.” The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics, 1813.