Streets of London – Somerset House, Strand circa 1810

Somerset House - Place, Strand circa 1809

Somerset House – Place, Strand circa 1809
from The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics

“The magnificent modern edifice known by the name of Somerset-House, or Somerset-Place, occupies the site of a palace erected by the Duke of Somerset, the protector, in the time of Edward VI. […] In 1775 the whole of this structure was demolished by act of parliament, and was succeeded by the present superb edifice, erected from the designs of Sir William Chambers. […] The facade to the Strand, represented in our engraving, is chaster and elegant. […] The church of St. Mary le Strand, commonly called the New Church, which appears to the left in our engraving, is one of the fifty new churches erected during the reign of Queen Anne.” The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics, 1809.

Royal Academy - Somerset House - Strand circa 1810

Royal Academy – Somerset House – Strand circa 1810
from The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics

“Of the magnificent structure known by the name of Somerset-House, we have already had occasion to give an general account: our present observations will, therefore, be confined to that portion of the building appropriated to the only national school of art, the Royal Academy. These apartments are situated on the right hand side of the entrance from Strand. The room on the ground-floor is allotted to models of statues, plans, elevations, and drawings. The subject of our plate is the entrance hall. The library has a covered ceiling, which was painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds and Cipriani.” The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics, 1810.