Car Poem – Pegasus Up to Date

The Muse from Automobile Magazine circa 1900

Poem: Pegasus Up to Date
[as it originally appeared in the April 1901 edition of The Automobile magazine, as originally published in Motor News]

Ascend, My Love, and take your place
With queenly air and matchless grace,
And up to legal-limit pace
We’ll speed our course afar
Along the highway, straight and clear;
Of peril entertain no fear,
While by your stately side I steer
My brand-new motor-car.

No monarch e’er was half so proud
As I, when through the gaping crowd
I thread my way with hootings loud, —
An automobile star!
At lessened pace the hill we scale,
Then madly dash adown the dale;
A cloud of dust denotes the trail
Where whizzed my motor-car !

The engine throbs beneath our feet,
And just as fast my heart doth beat;
My joy is perfect and complete —
But why this sudden jar?
I beg you, dear one, not to frown;
By rail we must return to town;
Alas! My muse has broken down, —
So has my motor-car.

A. J. Wilson, in Motor News.
