Streets of London – Manchester Square, London 1813

Manchester Square, London circa 1813

Manchester Square, London circa 1813
from The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics

“It is situated a little distance from the north side of Oxford-street, between Cavendish and Portman-Squares; and the period at which it was built, was likewise intermediate to the dates of their erection. […] The ground on the north side lay vacant till the late Duke of Manchester purchased the site, and erected upon it his town residence. From this circumstance the square received its present appellation. […] The premises were purchased by the King of Spain, as the residence of his ambassador, who erected a small chapel in Spanish-place, on the east side of this mansion, from designs by Bonomi […].The house, which is one of the most magnificent private residences in the metropolis, and forms the prominent object in the annexed engraving, has been for many years the property and habitation of the Marquis of Hertford.” The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics, 1813.