Streets of London – Portman Square, London 1813

Portman Square, London 1813

Portman Square, London 1813
from The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics

“This square is esteemed the next in beauty, as it is in extent, to Grosvenor-square. […] It is of more modern erection than any of the other squares in the western part of the metropolis, and received its name from an opulent family, to which its site and that of several of the adjacent street belongs, and which John Berkeley Portman, Esq. M.P. is the present representative. The north side is the part exhibited in this view. […] One of the most conspicuous objects about this square, is, the mansion of the late Mrs. Montagu, in the north-west corner. […] At the south-west corner of the square, is the house in which M. Otto, the negotiator of the peace of Amiens, on the part of France, resided.” The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics, 1813.