Streets of London – The Basin, Green Park, St. James, London circa 1810

Streets of London - The Basin, Green Park, St. James, London circa 1810

Streets of London – The Basin, Green Park, St. James, London circa 1810
from The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics

“The Green Park is nearly of a triangular figure. About the middle of the north side, next to Piccadilly, stands a neat house, appropriated to the use of the ranger, and occupied by Lord William Gordon, who at present holds that situation. On this side considerable improvements have of late years been made by the erection of a handsome lodge at the end contiguous to Hyde Park-Corner, and the substitution of a light iron railing for an unsightly wall. The good effect of the latter, where it has been put up, renders it a subject of regret, that it has not been continued along the whole of this grand west entrance to the metropolis, which borders the Green Park.”
The Repository of arts, literature, commerce, manufactures, fashions and politics, 1810.